Previously known as Holographic Re-Patterning, RR is a process of identifying and empowering our "next step" in any area of our lives where we desire change. Ingeniously developed by Chloe Faith Wordsworth, Resonance Re-Patterning is the culmination and combination of the best of all available holistic methods for creating greater health, harmony, and success.
Based on the seminal principle of RESONANCE (see definitions below), the system is designed to bring the client into resonance with their conscious choices, revealing the structure of the unconscious pattern at play and "shifting" its resonance to one in phase with the preferred outcome. All of this is done with a compassionate and skilled practitioner with the use of kinesiology (or neuromuscular feedback) that RR simply calls "muscle-checking". Through a series of apt questions and muscle checks, the technique or "modality" for shifting an out dated-pattern is revealed and experienced and one's resonance is "cleared" to be "On" for the positive change.
A vital difference between Resonance Re-Patterning and other alternative practices is that rather than the client having to guess what remedy might best address their concern (Polarity Treatment?, Acupuncture?, Massage?, Talk Therapy?, etc.) or the practitioner guessing on an intuitive hunch what treatment to prescribe for the client (Nutritional Supplements?, Cranial Sacral Adjustments?, Physical Therapy?, etc) the muscle checking accesses information from the client's own intelligence or "data base" revealing precisely what their system needs to move into their next level of coherence on that matter.
The Process of Resonance Re-Patterning contains approximately 70 Re-Patternings that cover Primary and Unconscious Patterns, the Chakra System, Meridian System, Vision, and Relationships. The Modalities or techniques to shift resonance on all of the non-coherence identified number over 146 and include methods as simple as various styles of breathing, natural body movements, eye movements, sound, light and color frequencies, energetic contacts, and the use of essential oils.
A typical session runs about an hour and a half and traditionally clients leave feeling significantly more clear, confident, and able to achieve their positive intentions with an effortless flow. (read more on www.resonancerepatterning.net).