Aaahhhh…Reiki: the natural way of transmuting universal life force through ourselves to balance energy in ourselves and others. An innate healing ability in all of us, all so often overlooked and dismissed for the sheer simplicity of it. But this may be because we are moving too fast and not taking the time to sense its power and to appreciate the intelligence of our systems to "draw" the Life Force and support the subtle shifts to restore proper functioning on all levels.
Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese monk challenged by his students, set about the daunting yet eventually fruitful task of re-discovering the healing power we read about in the Christian scriptures. Through many travels, the studying of Sanskrit and original sutras and his famous 40 day fast and mountain retreat, Dr. Usui succeeded in receiving the universal knowledge and key symbols to transmute specific healing frequencies through his head, eyes, heart, and hands.
Only recently have we become even more fortunate to have not only his lineage of tutoring but now his actual written manuscripts and recommended hand positions to enlighten our own practice.hands.
What to expect? For those who have never received a Reiki treatment, expect to find yourself grounded by the practitioner's touch, immediately slowing down the mental fray that usually accompanies our contemporary life-styles. Expect to enjoy an awareness of your body's awareness as each area is treated, shifts of subtle feelings and sensations, possibly warmth from the practitioner's hands and quite often such a deep state of ease that you awaken after having fallen into a deep, brief sate of sleep that you arise from slowly, permeated by a deep, pleasing peace.
In the process, your body, mind and spirit have been "spoken to" with a knowing and loving interplay of energies that have given attention and "space" for the cells, bones, muscles, nerves, and organs to adjust to their more optimum functions – resulting in a feeling of restorative peace and strength. Remarkably, Reiki symbols are designed to open vortexes to frequencies that address physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels of being which include "karmic" carryovers and change one's future favorably as well; in other words, Reiki treatments are not bound by linear time and space and have the power and subtlety to access the roots of ailments that more orthodox methods do not approach.