Becoming Celebration |
Interfaith Ministry & Weddings |
Energy Psychology |
Resonance Repatterning |
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Inter – "Existing or acting between"
Faith – "unquestioning belief(s)"
Ministry – "performing service, giving aid"
…Oxford and Miriam Webster Dictionaries
Interfaith Minister – One who is dedicated to 1.)"being true to the God within; 2.)to be of service to God and humanity; 3.)to be in contact with his/her inner guidance; and 4.)to be a blessing to everyone and everything"
– Reverend Angela Plum's An Interfaith Minister's Manual
In the case of weddings, let it be known that I LOVE the process and act of uniting a couple in marriage! I love meeting them, composing the ceremony with them, making any special arrangements and, ultimately, the moment itself when friends and family witness their declaration of love and commitment to one another. I love the friendships that are made, meeting their families and seeing to the paperwork, making sure they receive their marriage license without delay.
Pre-Marital Counseling
Prior to making vows of a deeper commitment, it can be helpful to discuss certain questions that may not have come up for discussion but will undoubtedly be confronted in daily life together. In a safe and supportive environment with a trained professional, the way is smoothed, further communication skills learned and potential landmines neutralized for a future of more ease and humor in partnership.
Baby Namings and/or Baptisms
The significance of a name and the process of naming is often overlooked, however, some parents enjoy raising their child's nomenclature to an initiatory event, witnessed and celebrated by close friends and family members. History and different cultures offer a colorful variety of ways in which the symbolic meaning of a name is revealed. For example, "Anna" can be traced back to both Latin and Greek, indicating the presence of soul, numerologically inhabiting the vibrations of 3, (1+2), both dynamic and stabilizing frequencies. "Let us affirm in this moment that his precious female child born to Maria and Paul, given the name Anna, shall experience the loving presence of her own soul and the soul of her loving spiritual Source."
A baptism (representing "regression into the undifferentiated; the dissolution of form and re-integration with the pre-formal") can be performed inside or outside a church, temple or mosque. The importance is the intention the parents express in including their child in their chosen faith. In the case of a Christian family, a baptism is a declaration of the child coming into the greater body of believers in the living presence of Christ and coming under the grace of His protection. For all other faiths such as Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist or other, a customized ceremony will be created to honor the respective tradition that still follows the fundamental idea of cleansing the self to be more integrated with the presence of our Creator.
To honor those who have made this most mysterious transition, we gather to appreciate this soul in their life here and in the hereafter. Considering their faith and beliefs and given any personalized instructions, we also often use photos, flowers, music, poetry, personalized readings of favorite writings and anecdotes shared by friends to lighten and sweeten any sorrow in those left behind. With sensitivity to the family and friends, an appropriate tone is set, allowing humor and even joy for the released, affirming belief in their awareness of the gathering and "that it serves in its own way to be the ritual of commencement which concludes this" earthly experience.
Home and Space Clearings/Blessings
Because thoughts have forms and words transmit vibrations, space blessings are powerful inaugural rituals that establish a vibrational atmosphere that "can steadily influence the site" being dedicated. Whether it be a home or place of work, the creative and intentional use of water, flowers, smudge sticks, and prayers cleanse and elevate the quality of the surroundings and set the stage for peace, prosperity, health, protection and perpetual blessings.
All those who attend inevitably are equally refreshed and are reminded of the dynamic use of intention and the power of affirming Spirit's presence.
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