One of the first methods used in the burgeoning field of Energy Psychology (which is now one of the most universally taught and applied) is The Emotional Freedom Technique. Deceptively simple (and therefore all too often unduly dismissed), EFT balances one's mind/body energy system. In learning the technique, a basic premise is: "The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system" and by tapping on a sequence of acupuncture points with one's fingers, and including minimal eye movements, an instantaneous and permanent change can be made to re-balance one's system on any specific problem – be it anger, pain, grief, post traumatic stress syndrome, anxiety, cravings, limiting beliefs and phobias. Because the acupuncture points access the major meridians running through the body, effecting all of the major organs and areas of the brain, relief is had in moments and even life long problems can be eliminated, sometimes instantly. The beauty of EFT is that it is easily and quickly learned and can be self-applied anywhere at anytime.
Originally discovered and developed by the psychologist Dr. Roger Callahan, it has been widely taught by Gary Craig, an engineer by training and profession and Interfaith Minister and student of the Course in Miracles. Due to the scientific logic and stunning results, Craig has dedicated his life to teaching the technique world-wide. Other psychologists, having found it to be invaluable in treating trauma, have created world-service teams that fly to distressed zones to treat those suffering from shock from earthquakes, floods, war, rape, and other forms of sudden loss, (read more and find case studies on www.eftuniverse.com).