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Lectures, Classes & Tutoring offered by Carol Cannon
Quantum Physics, Joy & the Good of All
By understanding some of the basic laws of nature that physicists have discerned over the past 100 years, we are individually able to better shape our own lives and make a more coherent contribution to our community. Accompanied by an illustrated explanation of our energetic make-up, this lecture is designed to help us understand why we are genetically wired for joy.
Understanding Resonance Principles
How do the dynamics of holography relate to us human beings and exactly how do we "create our own reality"? individually and collectively? Step by step, a clear and logical explanation is laid out for one to understand how our brains and nervous systems generate our experience in the context of this three dimensional realm. Exciting and liberating knowledge for claiming "dominion".
Visions, Conspiracies & Realities
An examination of where one chooses to focus their attention and how perception influences our individual experience. This hour will contain a comparative look at our collective 3-D experience within unified field theory, and some of the more popular ideas about historical conspiracies, possible extraterrestrial influences and the essential role of our conscious participation. A clear explanation of how we create our own reality is delineated, the vital role that our physical bodies play, and the personal sovereignty that this understanding invites. We conclude with a visualization process engaging this knowledge experientially.
The Emotional Freedom Technique
EFT is one of the new and most diversely applied Energy Psychologies that utilizes tapping on certain acupuncture points on the body to release negative emotions of all forms - pain, fear, anxiety, depression, guilt, procrastination, post traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive thinking/behavior, addictive cravings, etc. This surprisingly easy method can be used by anyone, virtually anywhere to immediately alleviate negative states caused by misdirected energy. With a little practice, the deepest held negative beliefs can be revealed and released. A great tool for managing a demanding life-style.
Transformational Counseling
Facilitating individuals to exercise their unlimited capacity for consciously creating their life. The knowledge on how identify and change beliefs, hidden agendas and destructive life patterns that form the basis of all problems mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. The freed energy becomes applied to engaging in the preferred positive directions consciously chosen by the spiritually mature adult
allowing for more joy and genuine fulfillment to expand.
Self-Discovery Through Self-Expression
By drawing, painting, music, sound, movement, and dance, participants enlarge their self-understanding by utilizing unused strengths, develop awareness skills, all in the context of fun and play. Specific creative exercises lead students through otherwise confusing or intimidating areas of inhibitions, yielding wonderful landmarks of growth and more integrated positive qualities that permeate other areas of their lives. Exploring color, gesture, symbols, body language, energy, and feelings, the journey of self is furthered.
The Physiology of Prosperity (Opening the Channels of Trust, Deserving & Success)
Accepting that we individually play a large part in the world's we create for ourselves and that our bodies hold these patterns, our bodies' energy centers are identified, attentatively listened to and cleared of fear and negative programming. By expanding our capacity to trust and receive, we experience more ease, personal abundance and genuine generosity. With understanding and support, resistances are discovered, embraced and released, opening room for the desires usually out of reach. Learn tools for improved communication with self and others that enable true actualization with whatever form prosperity may take for one: comfort in one's own skin, ease with money's in flow and out flow, improved relations, creative, professional or sport-related goals, etc.
Introductory Lecture on The Urantia Book
Discover the incomparable wealth of knowledge offered in the fifth epochal revelation to our planet. Integrating science, philosophy, history, and religion, The Urantia Book conveys a slice of the Grand Universe within which we evolve. Intelligent explanations to many of our contemporary problems and their alternatives are expressed in inspiring words and phrasing that alter one's view of life and illuminate our purpose on earth.
From the basics through Mastership, a complete understanding of the origins and most recent developments of Reiki are shared. Starting with self-treatments, continuing with treating others on various levels, including distance healing, concluding with the quantum explanation of why Reiki works. Treat yourself, your life and those you love to the benefits of Reiki.
DreamWorld Workshop
Uncover the underlying desire that drives your life. Contact, define and express that intimately personal vision that compels you through all of life's randomness and clarify how to more directly achieve satisfaction�Simplifying decisions and relationships. In so doing, one's place in this quickly shifting world becomes more harmonious, contributing to the collective making of our ideal world.
InSight Drawing Method
The InSight Drawing is a simple yet intense approach to observing and drawing nature that quickly develops hand, eye, and mind co-ordination. Each element of the method, whether it be one of the materials or a step in the instruction, is an essential component, that, when applied correctly, contributes to the success of both the learning process and beautiful drawings. Appreciation for the use of basic art materials is increased. The ability to see one's subject more accurately is enhanced quickly and significantly, developing a keen sense of relationship among visual objects. The accuracy of both perception and execution of line and shadow are invaluably strengthened, while the improvement to any other sequential process engaged in is equally improved - thinking, planning, writing, composing, building, repairing and managing.
Decorative Painting
From the basics of preparing surfaces to gilding and murals: sponging, ragging, glazing of all kinds and composing life-size vistas to enhance any architectural space. Marbleizing, wood graining, stenciling and decoupage are learned for various applications such as personal boxes to elaborate period rooms. Plus, gold-leafing, metal-leafing (silver & copper) for objects, frames, and accents on walls.
From basic italics through ten other English hands (Copperplate, Irish Uncials, Elizabethan, Southern Gothic, etc.)
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The Urantia Book |
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All content, unless stated otherwise, are Copyright © Carol Cannon. All Rights Reserved.
Please visit Carol Cannon's Decorative Painting and Fine Arts websites.